Yellow spring pea is processed by various physical treatments, dehulling, static or dynamic separation, cooking, extrusion, microgrinding to get an ingredients rich in protein and with good zootechnical performances.

Our range of ingredients for feed industries and farms is adapted to customer’s process (extrusion, blending, pressed pellet, solubilisation…) and to zootechnical needs of different animal species. Many feed compounds use our products for nutritional and technological purposes.

We control for each batch several quality criteria (particle size, bacteriological content, % of gelatinisation, protein content, anti-nutritional factors, colour, taste, minerals…) to ensure a constant quality of our products.

( Cellula , Faba Fibre …)

These natural cellulose type insoluble fibers are bacteria-free, ground or micronized.
Desired properties :
Intestinal health, better shaped faeces, zoo-technical performance, intestinal transit…
% incorporation : 0,5 – 2 %
Feeds :
Veal, calf for breeding, piglet, pet food…

(Lactex, Aquatex, Primatex, Fabatex)

These flours are obtained by dehulling and are precooked by extrusion, then micronized. The starch is highly digestible because it is more than 90 % pre-gelatinized. The taste is particularly pleasant while the anti-nutritional factors are eliminated and all bacteria removed from the product.
Highly digestible, remaining in suspension in water, tasty, natural binder for pressed feed, zootechnical performance.
% incorporation : 2 – 15%
Feeds :
Veal, calf for breeding, piglet, shrimp, fish, pellet feed…

(Aquatex G2000)

Dehulled and sieved pea grits.
Good expansion on extrusion (amylose), taste, source of protein.
Feeds :
Pet food, floating extruded feed (trout…)


Faba bean protein concentrate produced by dry process without chemicals (air classification).
Input of digestible proteins and amino acids in formulation, efficient binder for extruded feed.